Lucky packs!

Hello my deers!

These days you'll find a different item on our shop, the Lucky Packs! These packs are also known as Mistery Packs because inside of each one you will finde surprise items from El Taller de los Ciervos.

Lucky Packs are a funny way to get new accesories for a low price, because you'll be paying only 10€ plus shipping but inside everypack there are between 3 and 5 different items with a total value of 17€.  

Every Lucky Pack is different, there aren't two equal sets (but some items can be duplicated in different bags with different combinations). You can buy one Lucky Pack for yourself or buy several Lucky Packs for you and your friends and exchange the items between you and your friends. And it's so exiting to open a surprise bag and discovering a new set of accesories for you!

You can choose between our most popular styles: Lolita or Mori-kei. Inside our Lolita Lucky Packs you will find elegant items with a romantic and femenine touch. And inside our Mori girl Lucky Packs you will finde vintage style designs made with wood, lace or antique gold coloured metal.

Get your El Taller de los Ciervos Lucky Pack here!


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